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News Release

Published on 04 July 2009 by in News

Victoria to Host International Fostering Conference

VICTORIA – More than 600 delegates from around the world will converge in Victoria when the city hosts the 2011 International Foster Care Organization (IFCO) conference.

Key representatives from B.C.’s leading Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal foster parent and family support agencies — led by Foster Parent Support Services Society (FPSSS) and Surrounded by Cedar Child and Family Services – worked in partnership to prepare the winning proposal. Letters of support for the bid came from throughout Canada and included those from the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell, Children and Family Development Minister Tom Christensen, Victoria Mayor Alan Lowe and Mary Ellen Turpel Lafond, B.C.’s Representative for Children and Youth.ifcobiennial

The conference, themed “Fostering Hope…Together We Can Make a Difference”, will take place July 10th to 15th, 2011 at the University of Victoria.

“We are absolutely thrilled to announce this – especially during Foster Family Month,” says Margaret Howley, FPSSS Executive Director. “Shelly Johnson (former CEO of SCCFS) spearheaded this initiative, and all the other agencies from throughout B.C. readily came on board and worked collaboratively to produce the successful bid.”

“This is a wonderful opportunity for learning, education and networking to support foster parents and children in foster care,” she adds. “There is lots to be done, and we are looking forward to working with IFCO, B.C.’s Ministry of Children and Family Development and family-serving agencies in gaining the
support necessary to show the world that British Columbia is not only a beautiful place to visit, but also a place where children and youth in foster care truly matter, and are strong, safe and supported to reach their full potential”.

The International Foster Care Organisation (IFCO) is the only international network dedicated to the promotion and support of family foster care all over the world. The Victoria IFCO 2011 will be the 16th International conference. Previous IFCO gatherings were held in Malta (Regional); Hamilton, New Zealand (International); Bratislava Slovakia (Regional); Madison, Wisconsin (International); Prague, Czech Republic (Regional); Paramaribo Surinam (Regional); La Plata, Argentina (International); Tampere, Finland (Regional); and Veldhoven, the Netherlands.

For more information on the International Foster Care Organization, visit the IFCO web site at http://www.ifco.info/

Media contact:

Margaret Howley, Chairperson-IFCO 2011 Committee
Executive Director, FPSS Society
Phone: 250-294-7911 Toll Free: 1-888-922-8437
Email: mhowley@fpsss.com
101-814 Goldstream Ave., Victoria, BC V9B 2X7

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